Healthy Country Plan and Rangers

Healthy country

Following intensive on-country workshops with our members, Tjaltjraak completed our Healthy Country Plan (HCP) : A Strategic Plan for Esperance Nyungar Country 2018-2028 using participatory Open Standard Conservation Action

The HCP defines the agreed cultural and biodiversity values and desired outcomes and provides a 10-year road map for Tjaltjraak's land management program.

A key implementation strategy under the HCP to care for country and to achieve educational, employment and social health goals for the next Nyungar generation is an Aboriginal ranger program.





Launched in April 2018 with WA Government support, the Tjaltjraak Ranger program provides employment for Aboriginal men and woman of all ages. Our Rangers' work benefits the entire community by:

  • protecting sites of enormous cultural and historical significance
  • managing invasive species
  • protecting and rehabilitating environmentally important country
  • sharing knowledge and influencing environmentally sustainable practices through community education sessions and events.


By working to support their family through such important work, our Rangers are visible leaders in the community who demonstrate to the next generation how to live prosperous, connected and fulfilling lives.


The great work continues

In September 2019, the WA Government announced that Tjaltjraak had been successful in its application under the second round of the Aboriginal Ranger Program. For the next two years, the Tjaltjraak Rangers will be working partnership with several different groups to deliver integrated services in the areas of fire management, Phytophthora Dieback management, weed and feral animal control, monitoring threatened species and communities, visitor and tourism management, bush food demonstrations, cultural awareness and immersion experiences, cultural site management, transfer of knowledge to younger generations, and implementing an education program for the Kepwari Ramsar wetlands.


If you would like to know more about our work please contact us using the form below, we would love to hear from you.


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