Stronger together

Working together to achieve more

A strong voice and opportunity for Wudjari Nyungar people and the Kepa Kurl community.


Esperance Tjaltjraak Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (ETNTAC) was registered by the Federal Court of Australia as the Native Title Body Corporate for the Kepa Kurl Wudjari people on 6 September 2016. We are the first point of contact for government and other parties who want to conduct business with traditional owners in Esperance.

Kepa Kurl Wudjari Peoples' ancestral lands span over 30,000 square kilometres of Southern Western Australia.

Tjaltjraak comes from the Wudjari name for the Mallee (also known as Tallerack or Blue Mallee Eucalyptus pleurocarpa) which Wudjari People believe mark the extent of their Country.

Kepa Kurl Wudjari people are descended from seven apical ancestors. Today, six family groups are recognised as the direct descendants of those ancestors and the elders of those families have the rights and responsibilities for the practice of Wudjari Nyungar culture and for passing it on to future generations.


The six family groups are the Dabb, Boxer-Rogers, Reynolds, Yorkshire/Knapp, Bullen and Tucker. Today, the majority of Kepa Kurl Wudjari people live within the Esperance region, though some live elsewhere in the southwest, including Perth, Albany and Norseman.

We are a registered charity with a membership of approximately 360 Wudjari Nyungar persons. The wider native title holding group, who we represent and work for, comprises several thousand traditional owners.

Whilst member-focused, we value inclusivity and offer our services to all locally based First Nations people. Indeed, our pro-social and localized approach, achieves tangible outcomes for the entire Esperance community.


Working together for a better future for us all.

We are a forward-thinking, community based, For-Purpose organisation with a strong, outcomes-led vision for Kepa Kurl Wudjari people and our wider community.

Our culture blends traditional values and ethics with enterprise level best practice to enable us to realise our true potential here in Kepa Kurl (Esperance).




Our People

Our board and staff are drawn from our community and are proud to both represent us and demonstrate what we can achieve when we work together.



Our Business Units

We focus on the development of capability and capacity.



Our Strategic Objectives

We promote increased mental, physical, social and cultural wellbeing for our community.



The heart of ETNTAC

In 2024 we launched our new Strategic Plan. Our 2030 Vision:



Our Impact

As the lead body for Kepa Kurl Wudjari people, our work empowers our members to build stable, purposeful, culturally connected lives. Our land and sea country programs produce tangible benefits across enterprise, the environment and the community through the re-connection of people, country and culture. We enable partner organisations to deliver more effective, culturally-secure regional services, particularly within the health & community sector.


Our 2030 Vision

Self determining Wudjari people and families connected to Country, culture and a prosperous future.


Our Purpose

To create the platform for self determination of Wudjari individuals, families and the community. We deliver on this by:

  • Holding and managing the Native Title Rights of the Esperance Wudjari Nyungar people
  • Showcasing the benefits of Aboriginal led land and sea country management practices
  • Exporting our knowledge, skills and expertise to enhance Country management practices across Australia and the world
  • Supporting Aboriginal families to success on Country and elsewhere

Our Values

Our values are underpinned by our obligation to Country, culture and community. They guide our role within the Wudjari and wider community:

  • Responsibility is consistent as Wudjari custodians and displayed at all levels
  • Respect is shown through listening, knowledge and recognition
  • Care for our Boodja (Country), for our moort (family) and for our kwobodok wirrang (happy spirit)
  • Courage to assertively pursue what's best for Wudjari people


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