We want Kepa Kurl Wudjari people, culture and language to be included, respected and celebrated in the wider community.
In 2019, the Act-Belong-Commit Kaddatji Nyungar Boodja Plants and Culture community presentations, delivered in partnership with Esperance Community Arts in association with the Esperance Wildflower Festival, enabled over 800 students and community members to learn more about plants and their uses. Our Rangers visited local schools to teach students about the culutral signifcance of local plants and how to study inspect species under the microscope and delivered sessions for school groups on-site during the Festival. They also gave a presentation open to all community members on-country at Tannanedtji (Dempster Head).
"We loved learning about microinverterbrates and see them close from a microscope. It was interesting seeing and studying microinverterbrates. When I am old enough I'll study microinverterbrates. Thank you for organising the Tjaltjraak Rangers at the Wildflower Festival. I liked learning about bugs and the bush." CD, Esperance Primary School. 26 September 2019.
"Thank you for singing to everyone it was wonderful. It was my favourite part of the day because it was some think I have never heard before. The word in Nyungar for sing is warangka and dance is kakarook." NB, year 4, Nulsen Primary School. 22 August 2019.
With the support of Esperance Community Arts, the Act-Belong-Commit Kaddatji Nyungar Boodja Plants and Culture sessions were also delivered in 2020 and 2021 in the lead up to, and during, the annual Esperance Wildflower Festival.
We also assist other organisations to deliver their services in a culturally secure and inclusive ways. Through our deep community connections we are able to be the interface between government and industry and the Indigenous community. For example, we have facilitated the Shire of Esperance's community consultations regarding its inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan, helped the Department of Training and Workforce Development design a culturally engaging new Esperance TAFE complex, and developed Wudjari content and designs for public artwork to be incorporated into the construction of the replacement jetty on the headland alogn the Kepa Kurl Foreshore.
We have developed an ETNTAC mobile phone app for our members providing a targeted means of communication with the Aboriginal community in the region. This enables us to match job seekers with current opportunities, consult with our members and obtain their feedback on proposals that affect them.
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