Strategic Objectives
Setting the bar high
Our members' aspirations are much broader than those of a Prescribed Body Corporate.
We want to drive positive cultural, social and economic change in Kepa Kurl (Esperance). We do so under our Strategic Plan 2024 - 2027 which guides our innovative cultural, environmental and economic development activities.
You can download a copy here, we'd love to share it with you.
Many routes to one vision
Our members cannot uphold their cultural obligations as custodians of this place if their levels of general wellbeing are inadequate.
This means we take a holistic approach to reaffirming our members connection to country whilst empowering participation in culturally secure commercial enterprise.
Through the pride the comes from upholding the legacy of past generations of Kepa Kurl Wudjari people who have sustainably lived in this Boodja for thousands of years, and through fulfilling employment and business participation, we believe that positive change happens.
This means that all our Services, Partnerships and Projects deliver outcomes in pursuit of our strategic objectives rather than being delivered in isolation from each other.
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Partner with us to make a difference.