Governance & Structure

By the community and for the community


We are a community controlled organisation governed by a board of 12 inter-generational traditional owners elected by our membership. Inclusivity and gender-balance enables our development as our board comprises a male and female representative from each family group. In addition, the board may appoint two non-member directors to help the board fulfil its function.


The board mandates ETNTAC's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to pursue our strategic objectives through an annually approved operational plan that details our goals and priorities for each year. Progress in achieving our goals is considered at each Board meeting – at least 6 times per year.


Lore and wisdom

We respect the lore and wisdom of our old people. A Circle of Elders comprising individuals nominated by each family, guide the board and the organisation in culture and heritage matters. Our Elders meet with our CEO and staff generally each month.

It took eighteen long and difficult years of negotiation and legal process to resolve the Esperance Nyungar Native Title claim. Our inclusive and culturally secure governance structures and processes have united families and provide the foundation for positive change in the Esperance region.



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